Monday, April 13, 2009

The Spring Low Down

I will spare you of telling every detail of my Spring Cleaning progress. I have a good start on it but I'm not even 1/4 of the way finished. I figure that I'm going to milk this turning fifty thing as much as I can. You know, the whole "I'm starting to slow down because I'm not as young as I use to be" thing? The tricky thing with this excuse is that I have to be very careful of when and how many times I use it. If I'm not careful, my family may catch on and give me more chores to do.

I've been reading posts from some of you who live in different states. My goodness! Your spring has sprung. Beautiful yards & landscapes. We have some budding going on but no real blossoms in our yard. I've noticed along the roads that some of the foliage and trees have some very pretty colors showing. Our Lilac bush has some color.

As soon as our yard & landscaping comes alive with different colors, I will show them to you.
Until then, I will show you what my daughter's boyfriend gave to her for Easter.

Easter Lilies are her favorite flowers. He had the roses delivered to her at work for their 2 year dating mile mark. Not knowing that he was going to give her Easter Lilies, Mr. Chat bought her an identical Easter Lily plant. Now she has 2 of them. As soon as the weather clears up she wants to plant the lilies in our yard.

Another thing about turning more flowers....I was given a Steak-n-Shake Cheeseburger, a milk shake, and "The Passion of Christ" DVD. Not a bad gift. Mr. Chat has learned how to give me the best of both worlds. He knows that our daughter always displays her flowers in our living room. So I was able to enjoy flowers and their beauty with each sip of my milk shake. Mr. Chat is NO DUMMY!

On a more serious note: Aren't we so blessed and so loved to have a Lord that would voluntarily go through the unspeakable pain and suffering that He endured so that we could have eternal life if we so choose? It's there for all who want to receive of charge!!!! He paid the price so that we would not have to.


  1. My lilacs are not out yet.. so I LOVED seeing yours!!

  2. Wonderful entry, Deb! Beautiful flowers! What did "I" get for Easter? Things I did NOT need! CANDY! AND a stuffed animal...fluffy lilac bunny rabbit! I LOVE that! She sleeps at the head of the bed! lol
    About Jesus: Yes! We are SO blessed! He is my everything! Without Him, I am absolutely nothing. And just the thought that one day, due to Him, I can see Him, face to face! It's about more than I can take, without bursting!! Thank God for His amazing gift to the world!
    Love you,

  3. Hey, Debbie. Yes, I'm still thinking about what the Lord did for us, too. And I enjoyed your Beach Boys ref today at my blog!
